Saturday, December 22, 2012

Eggnog Update

Well, for starters, the eggnog was delicious. I will tell you that it was a little too thick. We blended in some extra cold milk this morning, and it's great! It's different than the A&E eggnog we normally buy. I didn't like it more. But most importantly, I don't think that I liked it less. Which means simply this...

When I want eggnog, there are times I'll buy A&E. But there's also times that I'm going to make this. YUM! Will just depend on what mood I'm in.

Secondly, I had someone ask why it was so important to temper the eggs. The short simple answer is this. Anytime you pour beaten eggs into hot liquid, they're going to cook before you can get it mixed properly, which causes 2 problems:
  1. Your mixture will be gritty with little bits of cooked egg in it, and
  2. It won't thicken properly, because the eggs aren't mixed through to help it set up like it's supposed to.
This should be done anytime you're cooking something where you have to add eggs to a hot liquid.

Tempering does add a step, but it's worth it. You beat the eggs. Mix 1/2 cup of the hot liquid to the eggs while beating vigorously. Now the temperature of the eggs is closer to that of the liquid, and you can add the eggs to the hot liquid while mixing quickly, and they won't cook before being mixed properly.

And next question is this. Is there something you would like to see here? If you have suggestions or requests, please let me know. Otherwise, I will continue to post as I have been.

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