Sunday, January 6, 2013

Awesome Fitness Tool! for some reason I'm having trouble putting in pictures. You'll have to forgive my boring pictureless blogs until I can figure out why.

However, I wanted to share my latest find with you, and this one is in the fitness area. There is a website that helps keep track of all of the food you are eating, and counts your calories for you, as well as your weight and measurements and so many other things. It's AWESOME....and so easy to use! The web address is I honestly can't say enough about how great this site is.

It's one thing to know what you're eating, and maybe even keep a food log. But when you see all of the numbers in front of you in black and white...WOW! It makes you sit up and take notice. Once you enter all of your food for the day, it will tell you "If every day were like today you'd weigh XXX in 5 weeks", and reflects whether you would have lost or gained. And it really works to see it. I've lost 5 pounds using it already. On those days you don't do so well, you take notice, and it makes you want to try all the harder the next day.

I thought the hardest part would be remembering to login every day, but I find myself wanting to know how I've done that day, so up to this point at least, that hasn't been a problem.

I would like to get healther in the new year, along with saving some money, and just trying to make a good life even greater. Would you like to join me?

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