Monday, December 24, 2012


Well...the holiday is finally upon us. I had to work until 3:00 p.m. today. After arriving home, I spent a few minutes wrapping last minute gifts for Phillip, and then I started decorating snowflake sugar cookies. With help from my sweetie, we got all 54 iced. Some look better than others. LOL.

We just got back from my grandmother-in-law's house for the annual Christmas Eve festivities. Now I'm going to straighten my house, so I can put out Phillip's stocking, and go to BED!!! We'll exchange gifts in the morning, and then we'll go to my mother-in-law's house for the day.

I'm so thankful for this beautiful Christmas season, and the reason that we have it. It's wonderful to celebrate the birthday of the King of Kings. As we celebrate His birthday, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas day, and I'll see you all sometime after tomorrow.

Merry Christmas, my friends!

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas, Amanda! Your cookies really turned out well. In fact, they're downright beautiful! Have a blessed day! I love you! ~Mom
