Monday, November 26, 2012

Cookies Galore!

Cookies, cookies and more cookies! What's with all those cookies???

I work at a state historic site, and on the first Saturday of December every year we have a Christmas open house. As the Foodways Coordinator for the site, it's my job to perform cooking demonstrations, and to coordinate people to help in the kitchen. So for 2 months myself and 3 very eager (and appreciated) volunteers have been busy baking over 2,000 cookies in the wood stove at the site. All of the recipes come from the cookbook left behind by the people who lived in our historic home in the 1870s.

In addition to the cookies, we have baked marble cakes as well. On Saturday, during the event, we will perform the traditional "lighting of the plum pudding" ceremony 4 times. We'll also have wassail and hot apple cider available. YUM!

Our Christmas event ushers in the Christmas season for me. It seems that I no longer have time to even THINK about Christmas until after we get past the big event day.

And so as we enter the Christmas season, I'll start sharing some of my very favorite Christmas recipes.

Cranberry Tea

1 lb. cranberries
2 qts water
2 cups sugar
2 cups water
1 Tbs whole cloves
1 cup orange juice
1 Tbs lemon juice

Place cranberries and 2 qts water in a large pan on the stove and boil until the cranberries "pop". Once they have popped, stir them around to help them release all the juice. Strain and reserve liquid. In a medium saucepan heat 2 cups water, sugar and whole cloves until the sugar is dissolved and the water just starts to boil. Strain out cloves and add liquid to cranberry juice. Add lemon and orange juice. Stir and serve hot in mugs.

I made this on Thanksgiving. I'll probably make it around Christmas again. It's just so tasty! It is the PERFECT hot drink for this time of year. Even those who don't like cranberry juice (like me) will enjoy this tasty not-too-sweet-yet-not-too-tart drink!

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