Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today has been a busy day! This morning I had to go get the new vehicle tagged and licensed (thank you, Phillip, for going to clean and wash it!). After a quick trip to the grocery story I came home to start my baking. I got 4 pumpkin pies made, as well as 2 apple, 1 pecan and 1 chocolate pie. I also made a pumpkin cheesecake.

There is a double batch of refridgerator roll dough rising in the fridge. All of the potatoes are peeled and chopped. And the turkey is ready to go in the oven. I will be cooking it slowly overnight (thanks to the smart person who invented roasting bags!).

For those who have never used them, they are a GREAT invention. You put your turkey in the bag and pop it in the oven at 225 degrees. You then go to bed, and when you wake up....VOILA!!! The turkey is done! If you don't open the bag, the turkey will stay warm and moist for quite some time!

All the rest of my cooking is awaiting the morning. Because I have so much to do, I should really get to bed, but I wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to you all, as I will probably not have time tomorrow.


  1. You must be faster at making pies than I am! Whats your secret?

    1. I'm not sure that I have "a secret", April. Just lots and lots of practice. I have, quite literally, made HUNDREDS of pies in my life. I kind of get an assembly line going. I get all the bottom crusts in the pans. I then roll out all the top crusts. I fill them all, add the top crust, and they're done.
