Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Doll Hair De-Tangler

This is a secret every mother/grandmother/aunt/babysitter/friend/etc. of young girls should know...

You're sitting there and all of a sudden a little girl throws a doll in your lap and asks you to comb her hair. The hair is tangled and matted, and no matter how much you brush it with that mini doll brush, it just isn't working. What do you do now?!?!

Make your own doll hair de-tangling solution. Not only does it work great, but it makes the doll smell GREAT! Here's how you do it:

Take a spray bottle and put in 5 oz. of water. Next add 2 oz. of liquid fabric softener (Downy or generic...doesn't really matter) and 3 drops of baby oil. Put the lid on the bottle, and shake it up.

Now, pull the dolls hair up, and cover it's face and body with a towel. Spray the solution on the hair until it's saturated, and start combing it out. Once you have the tangles removed, brush it down the way you want it to dry, and set the doll aside. Once it's dry it will look so much better!

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